Components from The Lee Company excel even while operating in high pressure, high temperature downhole environments.
Mar 25 — 26, 2025 | The Woodlands, TX
When operating within oil wells or on the sea floor, equipment must rely on field-proven components that are able to withstand extremely high pressure, high temperature, corrosive environments. A wide range of Lee products were designed specifically for these environments. When something off the shelf does not meet your needs, our team will work with you, engineer-to-engineer, to develop innovative solutions. Thanks to our long track record of providing the optimal balance of performance, quality, price, and delivery, The Lee Company enjoys continuous, decades-long relationships with the largest designers of the hydraulic and pneumatic tools necessary to maximize production from deep wells. Our components play a critical role in equipment used for exploration, completion, production, intervention, and abandonment. Specific applications include:
Let your team focus on complex system-level development while the components experts save you time and engineering resources by supplying the reliable, field-proven products and support you need.
Learn about the problems we’ve solved, the solutions we’ve provided, and how our engineers have helped improve production and eliminate downtime under the harshest conditions.
Miniature Lee components fit inside the smallest diameter tools that need to operate in high temperature, high pressure conditions. NACE compliant options are typically available. Whether off the shelf or designed for your unique requirements, the components you need will be produced under an industry-leading quality management system (QMS), helping to reduce the risk of costly unplanned downtime.
Precisely time tool functions with innovative visco technology. Protect your system from contamination with rugged, drilled safety screen filters. Accurately operate miniature actuators with flow restrictors and valves. Control the injection of chemicals or gases to improve production flow. Outfit your equipment with components rated to withstand high pressure, high temperature, and corrosive environments.
Always verify flow calculations by experiment.
*There are many parameters to consider when determining V-Factor. Click here for more information.